S&W Governor Problems: Common Issues and Solutions

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S&W Governor Problems: Common Issues and Solutions

 The Smith & Wesson (S&W) Governor is a versatile revolver known for its ability to chamber .410 shotgun shells, .45 Colt, and .45 ACP rounds. While it's a popular choice for self-defense and home protection, like any firearm, it can have its share of issues. In this article, we’ll dive into some common S&W Governor problems that owners have reported, as well as potential solutions to help you keep your firearm in top condition.

Common Problems with the S&W Governor

  1. Cylinder Lockup and Misalignment One of the more frequent S&W Governor problems involves cylinder lockup or misalignment. This can result in the gun failing to fire or creating dangerous situations when the bullet doesn’t properly align with the barrel. In some cases, the cylinder may feel stiff or difficult to rotate.

    Solution: Regular cleaning and lubrication can often solve this problem. Carbon and debris buildup can cause the cylinder to bind. Ensure that the cylinder and ejector rod are clean and free of obstructions. If the issue persists, a gunsmith may need to inspect the alignment for any mechanical faults.

  2. Extraction Issues with .410 Shells Another problem that owners sometimes report is difficulty ejecting spent .410 shotgun shells from the cylinder. This can be caused by improper shell expansion or fouling within the chamber, making extraction tricky after firing.


  3.  To prevent this, keep the cylinder clean and polished to reduce fouling. Some users also recommend using higher-quality shells, as lower-grade ammunition can cause more frequent extraction issues. If the problem continues, switching to a different brand or type of ammunition may help.

  4. Accuracy Concerns Given the S&W Governor's ability to shoot multiple types of ammunition, accuracy can sometimes be an issue. Some users report inconsistent groupings, especially when switching between .45 ACP, .45 Colt, and .410 shells.

    Solution: Accuracy can vary depending on the type of ammunition you’re using. For improved accuracy, consider using heavier .45 Colt rounds. Many shooters find that practicing with one specific type of ammo yields better results, as each caliber can perform differently in the Governor's barrel.

  5. Recoil Management The S&W Governor is a lightweight revolver, which makes it easier to carry but can increase felt recoil, particularly with .410 shells or .45 Colt rounds. Some users find the recoil challenging, which can impact follow-up shots.

    Solution: To manage recoil, consider using lighter .45 ACP rounds for practice or installing a rubber grip for better control. Additionally, practice proper shooting techniques to help mitigate the impact of recoil. A firm grip and a proper stance can make a noticeable difference when firing heavier rounds.

  6. Trigger Pull Some owners have reported issues with the trigger pull being too heavy or inconsistent. A heavy or rough trigger can affect accuracy and shooting comfort.

    Solution: A trigger job performed by a qualified gunsmith can smooth out the pull, making it easier to shoot accurately. Alternatively, dry-fire practice can help you become more accustomed to the trigger pull, improving your overall performance with the Governor.

Preventive Maintenance for the S&W Governor

To minimize the chances of encountering S&W Governor problems, regular maintenance is key. Here are some tips for keeping your revolver in optimal condition:

  • Clean after every use: Especially after firing .410 shells, clean the cylinder and barrel thoroughly to avoid buildup that can cause misfires or extraction issues.
  • Use quality ammunition: Using high-quality, factory-made ammunition reduces the likelihood of jams, extraction problems, or poor accuracy.
  • Check alignment: Periodically inspect the cylinder for any signs of misalignment, and ensure the revolver is properly lubricated.

Final Thoughts

While the S&W Governor is a reliable and versatile revolver, it’s not immune to occasional problems. Cylinder lockup, extraction issues, recoil, and trigger concerns are among the most commonly reported S&W Governor problems. However, most of these issues can be addressed with regular cleaning, proper ammunition choice, and, in some cases, professional gunsmithing.

Understanding the potential challenges and knowing how to fix or prevent them will help ensure your S&W Governor performs reliably for years to come.


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